Author: limavinternational

The European Parliament has voted by a vast majority to adopt a resolution calling for a global ban on animal testing for cosmetics products before 2023. At a plenary session in Brussels today, 620 members of parliament (MEPs) supported the move, 14 voted against and 18 abstained.


Arti Ahluwalia , Alessandra Misto, Federico Vozzi, Chiara Magliaro, Giorgio Mattei, Maria Cristina Marescotti, Angelo Avogaro, Elisabetta Iori

February 13, 2018




Metabolic disorders due to over-nutrition are a major global health problem, often associated with obesity and related morbidities. Obesity is peculiar to humans, as it is associated with lifestyle and diet, and so difficult to reproduce in animal models. Here we describe a model of human central adiposity based on a 3-tissue system consisting of a series of interconnected fluidic modules.

Prof. Thomas Hartung – former head of ECVAM, currently Professor at the Public Health Faculty of Jhon Hopkins University in Baltimore

The presentation of Prof. Hartung at the Conference held at Palazzo Montecitorio for the 30 anniversary of LIMAV – Analysis and proposals for alternative methods of scientific research specific-species:

“Good morning and than you for the invitation to speak. I know my Italian took a bit of rust after past last eight years out of the country, but coming back in Italy is always a great pleasure for me: we used to pass, every years, summer time at Lake Maggiore where I worked with the European Commission for eight years.
When I arrived in Italy in 2002, I was a young pharmacology professor, and we used animals. We also used cells, patients and healty people too, to test the different substances.
We know very well that animals give only a small contribution to information, but so many different experiments, give us an idea about ​​what works or what doesn’t.
The very important thing is that 97% of experiments that give a positive results in animals, fail in humans.

Prof. Bruno Fedi – Honorary Chairman of Limav Italia, Primary Hospital of Anatomy Pathologic

The presentation of Prof. Fedi at the Conference held at Palazzo Montecitorio for the 30 anniversary of LIMAV – Analysis and proposals for alternative methods of scientific research specific-species:

In all these years, since Limav has been set up, research has made giant strides.
The man-nature relationship did not fit.